🎉 Babel 6 and Babel 7 compatible
⚠️ Babel 7 compatibility added in 1.4.0
This Babel plugin finds all require
s for css module files and replace them with a hash where keys are class names and values are generated css class names.
This plugin is based on the fantastic css-modules-require-hook.
This plugin is experimental, pull requests are welcome.
Do not run this plugin as part of webpack frontend configuration. This plugin is intended only for backend compilation.
.someClass {
color: red;
const styles = require('./test.css');
const styles = {
'someClass': 'Test__someClass___2Frqu'
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-css-modules-transform
Include plugin in .babelrc
"plugins": ["css-modules-transform"]
With custom options css-modules-require-hook options
"plugins": [
"css-modules-transform", {
"append": [
"camelCase": false,
"createImportedName": "npm-module-name",
"createImportedName": "./path/to/module-exporting-a-function.js",
"devMode": false,
"extensions": [".css", ".scss", ".less"],
"generateScopedName": "[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]",
"generateScopedName": "./path/to/module-exporting-a-function.js",
"generateScopedName": "npm-module-name",
"hashPrefix": "string",
"ignore": "*css",
"ignore": "./path/to/module-exporting-a-function-or-regexp.js",
"preprocessCss": "./path/to/module-exporting-a-function.js",
"preprocessCss": "npm-module-name",
"processCss": "./path/to/module-exporting-a-function.js",
"processCss": "npm-module-name",
"processorOpts": "npm-module-name",
"processorOpts": "./path/to/module/exporting-a-plain-object.js",
"mode": "string",
"prepend": [
"extractCss": "./dist/stylesheets/combined.css"
Using a preprocessor
When using this plugin with a preprocessor, you'll need to configure it as such:
var sass = require('node-sass');
var path = require('path');
module.exports = function processSass(data, filename) {
var result;
result = sass.renderSync({
data: data,
file: filename
return result.toString('utf8');
and then add any relevant extensions to your plugin config:
"plugins": [
"css-modules-transform", {
"preprocessCss": "./path/to/module-exporting-a-function.js",
"extensions": [".css", ".scss"]
When you publish a library, you might want to ship compiled css files as well to
help integration in other projects.
An more complete alternative is to use
but be aware that a new webpack instance is run for each css file, this has a
huge overhead. If you do not use fancy stuff, you might consider using
To combine all css files in a single file, give its name:
"plugins": [
"css-modules-transform", {
"extractCss": "./dist/stylesheets/combined.css"
To extract all files in a single directory, give an object:
"plugins": [
"css-modules-transform", {
"extractCss": {
"dir": "./dist/stylesheets/",
"relativeRoot": "./src/",
"filename": "[path]/[name].css"
Note that relativeRoot
is used to resolve relative directory names, available
as [path]
in filename
Keeping import
To keep import statements you should set option keepImport
to true. In this way, simultaneously with the converted values, the import will be described as unassigned call expression.
const styles = require('./test.css');
const styles = {
'someClass': 'Test__someClass___2Frqu'